Sunday, September 27, 2009

Model United Nations Assembly( MUNA) in Canberra

The General Assembly:
  • Strongly condemns the ongoing systematic violations of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rightsof the people of Myanmar
  • Strongly calls upon the Government of Myanmar to ensure full respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms and to protect the inhabitants of the country…
This is only part of Resolution 4 at the National Model United Nations Assembly held in the House of
Representatives Chamber, Old Parliament House, Canberra 14th to 16th August 2009. In all there were six resolutions:

• Towards a new international economic order;

• Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban treaty;

• Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran;

• Situation of human rights in Myanmar;

• Protection of migrants; and

Security implications of climate change.

The two winning teams from the District 9670 MUNA held in Muswellbrook in May this year participated in thisnational event. James and Tristan , from St Phillip’s Christian College, Port Stephens and Nilarni  and Alexander  from Merewether High School spent an action filled weekend in Canberra.
James and Tristan represented Israel while the Merewether team represented the United Kingdom.

Over the weekend, the program included some exciting guest speakers, one of note being the Counsellor to theTurkish Embassy, Tuna Yucel and Christopher Woodthorpe, Director of the United Nations Information Centre.

The young people were also treated to afternoon tea with the Governor-General, Quentin Bryce.

The students commented that it was a really difficult task to prepare and debate these resolutions as they weremore detailed and complicated than those at MUNA in Muswellbrook. This national event however did haveteams from all over Australia (East Doncaster, Sale, Southport, Wagga Wagga, to name a few areas), as well asteams from Rotary District 9710.

The students found the weekend and thecompetition most enjoyable. The thrill of debating in
the beautiful building of Old Parliament House andthe thought that in years gone by, people like Sir
Robert Menzies and Gough Whitlam wereprominent speakers in the same chambers, madethe journey south very worthwhile.
Our team of Nilarni and Alexander  representing the United Kingdom received the Totenhofer Peace Prize. The adjudicators determined this prize that is awarded to the teamthat makes the most significant contribution to issues concerned wit the promotion of world peace. Well done, Nilarni and Alex!

Congratulations to both teams for a great result and for their diligence over the weekend and the lead up to theNational MUNA. A big thank you also to their supervisors/counsellors for the event.

Sincere thanks is extended to the Rotary Clubs of Salamander Bay and Newcastle Enterprise for their
sponsorship of this event. 

For more information, contact Pam Wellham or Wilma Simmons, Rotary Club of Wallsend-Maryland via comments on this blog post

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