Monday, May 7, 2012

from the Secretary General 2012

 Most people think that the Rotary District 9670 Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA)  starts on Friday night and finishes on Saturday evening.

It really starts a lot earlier in the year. In January, I begin to research and write the resolutions  and the committee begins to organise the data bases, the application forms and other details of the event.  Even earlier than that, the committee began negotiations to book the venue, the Rotary Club of Muswellbrook to cater for the event, and seek corporate sponsorship. It is no wonder that the MUNA weekend 2012 ran smoothly – all due to the early preparations and hard work of committee members, led by Megan Valentine, Rotary Club of Newcastle Sunrise.

This year, MUNA on Friday night 27 April started off with high energy and an interactive challenge conducted by Mayor of Muswellbrook, Martin Rush. Mayor Rush  conducted a “Geoffrey Robertson “ Hypothetical session, challenging the student delegates to go beyond the hypothetical and to respond as if they were really representatives of their assigned nations. This was the perfect preparation for the model general assembly. Thank goodness for wi fi , iPads and Google – much new research was conducted overnight!

The resolutions were debated vigorously and while some outcomes were surprises, the delegates tried to remain in line with their nations’ viewpoints . Not as an easy task for the average 17 year old Australian to take on the persona of a UN delegate from Afghanistan, or Israel, or even USA. I commend all participants for succeeding in such a difficult exercise. By the afternoon, it appeared that everyone was more comfortable in their roles, and I really enjoyed the debate on the effects of global financial crisis. It was one of the resolutions put on the agenda without too much notice and without too many notes, the delegates seemed to speak “from the heart” a lot more. I realise that it is quite overwhelming to be in such an assembly and feel unprepared, so dependency on notes and prepared speeches is quite understandable. However, the debate is more genuine and passionate when delegates know enough about their nations to take a  firm  “yes or no” stand on most issues on the addenda and respond to other nations’ viewpoints.

Congratulations to  all the schools who were ably represented by well prepared, enthusiastic and motivated students. Special congratulations to the Timor Leste team from Merewether High School who will in August represent the district at MUNA in Canberra. Cyprus from Newcastle High School were consistently strong throughout the assembly and deserved a highly commended award from the adjudicators. The Peace Prize went to Russia from Warners Bay High School for their efforts to resolve problems with proposed solutions on many of the issues.

Special thanks to the MUNA committee, the Rotary Club of Muswellbrook and the teachers who accompanied the teams. Your commitment to providing such an enriching educational opportunity for young people in the district is outstanding.

Wilma Simmons
Secretary- General MUNA 2012

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